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How do you make office cubes more inviting?

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-01-14      Origin: Site

You have just moved into your new space, have installed the furniture and completed all the electrical and data requirements. Your office is great and the team is excited about their new space. After a few years, the excitement wears off and some updates are needed. You may not need a total makeover, but enough to create something new, fresh and inviting.

What the client needs is a properly planned space with updated finishes, electrics and interior architecture. I know that updating your space can be a challenge, especially if you are on a very tight budget.


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So here are 10 simple ideas on how to update your office. When creating the list, I made some assumptions: private and open plan office furniture will be reused, reception desks, break room cabinets and most flooring materials will remain. Ceiling lights, acoustic tile ceilings, doors and window coverings (such as blinds) are usually part of the building's standard finishes and will definitely remain. Let's start the walkthrough in the reception area.

1. Use digital image wall coverings to communicate what your company is all about.

Greenbiz, a company that promotes sustainability through the use of social media and information-driven applications, is practising what they preach. Using digital images of nature in public areas can communicate your company's mission directly and clearly.


2. Use custom artwork on the walls

Fracture, a company that prints digital images on glass, installed custom artwork on the walls as part of its workplace design. It has inspired creativity and encouraged the survival and respite of the company's brand. There are many local shops, such as Blik and online suppliers, that offer custom artwork designs... but you can use your own black and white or colour photos to capture your branding. Logos painted on the wall with interesting fonts and beautiful visual illustrations are also original artwork.


3. Add conversation furniture

Furniture that speaks gives an instant impression of the workplace. The Turnstone Bonfire Headlamp is not only an iconic piece in the workplace, it defines the space and creates an inviting and comfortable space for meetings and collaboration.


4. Use of various types of flooring

If your budget allows, you can add other flooring materials to the reception area. Public areas, especially reception areas, can have the greatest impact on your brand and culture. Using materials such as Flor carpet simplifies the installation process and gives you the flexibility to create many different patterns to provide a more personalised look.


5. Make your meeting rooms interactive

Update your meeting rooms with more interactive media such as wall-mounted whiteboards and Plexiglas. Mutually Human, a bespoke software software strategy and design consultancy specialising in mobile and web-based products and services, needed a space where ideas could be quickly expressed and illustrated. By using these tools, they can freely communicate ideas and quickly identify and solve problems.


6. Use accent colours to brighten up a space

Complement your space and culture by using accent colours on walls and office furniture (such as low stools) to complement the colour. It adds character, dimension and brings new life to the workplace. These provide companies with the opportunity to showcase their space to clients and do more business on site.


7. Add decorative lighting

The lounge is another space where you can get creative. Add some interesting chandeliers to provide another layer of lighting and add interest to the lounge. It also gives you the opportunity to create a more inviting and warm atmosphere in any communal area of your workplace.


8. Add colour through chairs

Using brightly coloured chairs can quickly transform a monotonous meeting room into a more attractive and fun space. Vibrant colours complement neutral backgrounds and décor to create a cheerful atmosphere for employees and guests alike.


9. Organise office clutter

While the idea of having a state-of-the-art coffee machine or the aroma of freshly brewed coffee may be fascinating, there is nothing better than a well-organised, tidy and uncluttered break room. Install shelving or storage to clear clutter from lounge surfaces. Something organised and tidy makes finding it easy and encourages everyone to use the space more often.


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10. Add recycling options

We are in the age of environmental awareness and everyone should take social responsibility. You can start this by adding recycling stations to break rooms and office cafes to encourage everyone to recycle. Recycling stations such as the Steelcase Victor2 recycling centre eliminate the hassle of using freestanding waste paperand provide a cleaner and more integrated look.

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